How to Choose the Best Daycare for Your Child
Safety, Comfort, friendly staffs and a hygienic environment are the basic parameters of the best daycare for your child. An interactive relationship with the teachers and caregiver can take away the feelings of fear and anxiety from the child. It is better to have a minimum of three to four children in the group. It creates a sense of belongingness in your child. She will love being at the daycare and stop missing the two of you until you return from the workplace.
Choosing the daycare can be split into two distinct steps. The first step is to list the most potential centers which are close to your home or office. For this, you can use the local search engine, local directory listing, or the yellow pages online.
Daycare Center – Website and Social Media
Short List: Open the daycare website and read through the facilities, infrastructure, caregiver staffs, and other listed features. Compare them with your child’s specific requirements. It is a good practice to show the website to your child. Shortlist the most potential daycare centers.
Read Reviews: Then you can go through the feedback, reviews, and testimonials on social media. It could be a time-consuming process, but worth the effort.
Ask Friends: You can talk to your friends and dear ones who have had previous experience with the specific daycare centers. Being friends, they can give you the most personalized opinions without any bias. It helps you to choose the best daycare.
Now, you will have made the final listing of daycare centers. The next step is to talk to the management team and the caregiver staffs. You can also visit the center and inspect the facilities and accommodation.
Daycare School – Personal
Explain: The first task is to explain the physiological and psychological state of your child to the caregiver. Tell them about your child’s specific needs during the day from feeding to sleeping. Then they will understand the needs and wants to a certain extent. It will also give you a chance to observe their interest in caring for the children.
Observe: You can easily observe the caregiver’s interest while explaining. Is she listening and trying to understand, or just nodding her head as a customary procedure? Does she ask you questions related to your child and her special needs? Does she ask about your child’s learning curve? These are some of the basic aspects you can easily observe while conversing with the caregiver. If you are satisfied, it is time to go to the next step.
Child’s Comfort – Child Interaction
Caregiver: Let your child interact with the caregiver and have a one-to-one conversation. You can stay out of sight and still observe them from a distance. Initially, your child may have some sort of hesitation, but she will soon adapt herself with the caregiver. Wait for the first ten minutes of conversation.
Then you can observe your child’s body language. Is she still nervous? Where is her focus? Is she comfortable with the caregiver? Is she trying to have or avoid eye contacts with her? Is she interested in continuing conversation? Is she trying to move away from her seat?
These are some of the basic things you can observe. If the positive trends are more, you can be sure of the interpersonal relations to improve. Or you may have to speak to other caregiver staff.
Playmates: Now, you can let your child interact with the other playmates at the daycare. It is one of the most important aspects since she will spend most of the time with the other children. Wait outside for 15 minutes. Then you can speak to your child and understand how she feels in the environment and the children. Is she comfortable? Has she found a good friend? Are they friendly and gentle with her? Does she think she can stay here without any problems? How does she find the caregiver? These are some of the basic questions you can ask our child.
Daycare Center – Facilities
Safety: It is the primary aspect you should examine at the daycare. The key areas are the play-house, learning-center, playground, bathroom and toilet, passage, garden, and other spaces where your child may go during the day. You can examine the gaming equipment, toys, and miscellaneous tools for sharp edges, excessive weight, and rust. You can also observe the level of hygiene within the daycare environment.
Food: It is one of the most important aspects you should observe. If they have a kitchen, you can visit and examine how they prepare food. Do they have proper appliances? Are the cooks aware of kid diet and recipe patterns? How often and how much do they serve? Is there a dining space? You can also observe the hygienic levels.
Gaming: Indoor gaming and puzzle solving toys are food for your child's IQ. She will learn math, science, and nature through them. Outdoor sports and simple physical workouts will keep her healthy and fit. She can stay away from childhood laziness and remain active. Activities also help her to keep her muscles and bones strong. You can observe the facilities and talk to the caretaker staffs.
Daycare learning – Creative Space
Now, you can move onto the learning center. Observe their approach and method of teaching. Using the conventional method of the board, chalk and the notebook is essential for conditioning your child to schooling environment.
Teaching through pictures, toys, maps, and other playthings is the way to boost interest and consistency. Teaching and learning have to be interactive and allow free thinking in the child. Does the teaching sound more like preaching? Does your child get time to express herself and show her innate talent? You can get to know about them by observing and interaction with the teacher and your child.
You may need to devote your precious time to ensure everything is right. One-to-one communication and interaction is the best way of assessing and evaluating the best daycare for your child to keep you and your child comfortable.