Friday, March 8, 2019

Teaching Kids to Apologize

Learning how to apologize is very important to the healthy development of a child. Those who have children know that this can be rather difficult to get children to learn. After all, in their minds, they don’t understand why their behavior or their actions deem an apology. Rememberdeemis going to take time in order for a child to learn that an apology is a must in certain situations. However, there are a few a few things that you, as a parent, should watch out for and correct as soon as possible.

The Apology: I’m Sorry, but…

Many kids will say that they are sorry, but then following this up with a reason for why they got angry. With this type of apology, it really isn’t an apology. For example, a child who has kicked their toys all over their room because they are mad at you, may say, “I’m sorry, but you made me mad.” When a parent accepts this, then they are reinforcing the behavior that it is ok to act out when you get mad. Instead, point out that this was an excuse, and ask them to tell you why it was wrong and what they would do next time they get mad at you.

Make I’m Sorry Part of a Consequence

With toddlers, it can be rather hard to do this, but doing so can mean that they learn how to apologize appropriately later. For example, if your toddler smacks his sibling, you may suggest a time out. However, then you will want to make your toddler also apologize to his/her sibling as part of the consequence. It allows a child to see that they are wrong, and that they should be stating that they are sorry when they do something that hurts someone else.

Remember: It Will Take Time

There may be times that you feel as though your child is never going to apologize and actually mean it. You want to ensure that your child is being responsible as they grow older. However, it simply takes time. It takes a lot of correction and patience to teach a child to apologize in a way that truly shows they are sorry rather than just being something that they say. It is possible though, so don’t give up!

The post Teaching Kids to Apologize appeared first on 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten.

from 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten

Summer Activities for Kids


With summer here, what can you do with your kids to get them involved in more than the television? For kids who are attending 2000Days Daycare, they are still going to be on the same schedule in terms of what they are learning and doing. However, for parents who have older children or maybe they are keeping their kids home for the summer, you do not want to make these few months a time in which they do not learn or grow at all!

There are several activities that you can do at home, and if you were to look in your community, you are going to find that there are several programs that you can enroll your children into! We have come up with a few things that you can encourage your children to get involved in this summer that will not only keep them physically active, but this could also stimulate their desire to learn!

A Few Ideas for this Summer

  1. Consider having your kids play ball over the summer. There are numerous programs that are found throughout the community that kids are going to love! This is going to teach these kids teamwork, keep them physically active and give them a chance to make new friends.
  2. Why not turn your home into a science laboratory for the day? Let your kids mix food coloring into water and create new colors. While kids may enjoy making a mess, they are learning something in the process!
  3. Get to be one with nature, take hikes and walks a few times per week through your local park. Kids are going to love getting out and this also gives them exercise!

Safety Tips to Remember

summerSince you may be outdoors during the summer quite a bit, also consider a few safety tips to ensure that everyone is always safe!

  1. Always have on sunscreen and ensure that kids keep sunscreen on them as they play outside.
  2. Ensure that everyone drinks plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  3. Encourage kids to wear sunglasses and hats to protect their eyes and head from the sun.
  4. Consider insect repellent if you are having a hard time with these critters bothering you while outdoors.
This summer is not a time to let kids simply be lazy around the house. Instead, encourage them to be physically and mentally active!

The post Summer Activities for Kids appeared first on 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten.

from 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten

2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten!

2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten!


We built our own using over a decade of child care experience.  We wanted a safe, nurturing environment that was more than just a typical daycare. We wanted our son to truly learn, socialize AND have fun. More a school then a daycare…much more! Our goal was to make sure that our sons first 2000 days were as fun and educational as possible. We couldn’t find anything that fit all the criteria. So we used our experience in child care to open our own Calgary daycare school. Please take a look through our site and come for a visit. We hope you come to love 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten as much as we do!

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